Facebook Announces His Messenger Hitting 1 Billion Active Users Monthly

If we could remember, early February this year
2016, Whatsapp also announced it messenger
hitting 1billion active users monthly. We all
know that Facebook is now the owner of
Whatsapp messenger, so Facebook messenger
has joined Whatsapp's stats.

This is what Facebook has to say about this:

We’re grateful for all the people
who are sending billions of
messages every day and we
hope to send 1 billion thank
yous in the form of a new
floating balloon gift that
everyone can use to celebrate.
Just send a balloon emoji to
your friends to add a touch of
whimsy and delight to any
We know that every message is
important to you — no matter
what you want to say — and our
team is committed to building
experiences you love and to
making all the interactions in
your life easier no matter who
you are communicating with.
Thank you for using Messenger
and being part of our one-
billion-strong community.
Get more here

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