This Happens If You Don’t Put Your Phone In Flight Mode On A Plane

(Flight Mode)
AKA "offline", "radios off", or "standalone" mode.

Some phones and other wireless devices have a
special "flight" or "airplane" mode that turns off
just the wireless radio parts of the device, for
safe use on an airplane where radio transmitters
are not allowed.
Most airlines and many governments ban the use
of wireless radio devices during flight.

Although preventing interference with the plane's onboard
systems is the most well-known reason for such bans, the more important concern with cell phones is interference with cell phone networks on the ground, which cannot handle phones at high relative altitudes and moving at airplane

I am very certain more than 90% of us have
always wondered if a phone’s signal can really
take down a plane.
Well, not exactly…
The radiation from a phone signal cannot
interfere with the plane’s operating system to
the extent that it will cause the whole thing to
spontaneously combust.
So even if lots of terrorists kept their phones
on and watched data zapping YouTube videos,
it will not take down a plane.
The reason flight attendants insist you have
your phone off or in flight mode is to prevent
the pilot getting distracted by interference
noises being emitted from your phones.
You may have heard the ‘bzzt bzzt bzzt’
crackling noises from a radio when a phone is
nearby. You must agree it is one of the most
annoying sounds ever.
Now imagine the headache the pilot gets from
hearing that continuously.

However, not all airlines have policies that
accommodate devices with airplane mode; some
airlines still ban the use of all phones during flight

There is a special industry-standard flight mode
icon, although many phones use a non-standard

To conclude, DO always adhere to instructions from flight attendants as they are there to ensure your safety and mine.


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